EDPA | Economic Development Partnership of Alabama Headquarters
EDPA plants its new headquarters at ground zero of Birmingham’s modern renaissance
The architecture and interiors for this 13,200sf new office space was custom designed as part of the Bakers Row adaptive re-use development adjacent to Railroad Park in downtown Birmingham. The articulation and massing of the building exterior was re-constructed to provide expansive windows and a prominent dedicated entry on the street side. The industrial vibe of this contemporary space was achieved by letting its architecture be the star. A feeling of openness is created with glazed modular architectural walls “dropped” into the high bay interior. Individual work areas supported by multiple types of conference and interactive spaces encourage collaboration and offer employees several ways to work. A panorama of Alabama success stories plays continuously on a 320sf digital wall visible from the street.
Architecture | Interior Design
Donna Dowling IIDA | ddowling@kpsgroup.com
EDPA’s dynamic new office is in Bakers Row, designed by KPS Group.